Abortion Practices: Rhetoric and Reality in Contemporary Bangladesh


  • Md. Akbar Hossain Lecturer of Sociology, Shahajalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
  • Umme Habiba Researcher, B.S.S., M.S.S, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka


Despite the law's seventy, the over" incidence of abortion, especially induced unsafe
abortion, in Bangladesh is increasing. According to Family Planning International
Assistance Programs in Bangladesh, twenty five percent women dies from unsafe
abortions. So it is important to scour causes and consequences of unsafe abortion,
and to develop effective policies, strategy and tactics for reducing need for abortion,
improving post abortion care, reducing death from abortion sophistication, and
implementing policies to make safe services more available. This is a study on
abortion practices of the some selected places both urban and rural in Bangladesh
taking 162 respondents. Data were collected with the help of case study,
documentation. Test variables were Frequencies of abortion, total number of
pregnancy, etc. The relation (r—. 61) between frequency of abortions and total
number of pregnancy is significant at .01 levels. Besides this, this paper attempts to
find out the causes o f abortion, its nature and magnitude. This paper links a
comparison of abortion policies of some selected countries and on the basis of
religion especially.


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