Street Children in Dliaka City: A Sociological Study


  • Josinta Zinia Lecturer in Sociology, Aliasanullah University o f Science and Technology Dhaka.


Although the term "Street C h ild ren " is n e ith e r a p recise, nor very tiscfiii
classification f o r children "on " o r " o f f” the street, the term does serve as a p o in t of
eng a g em en t in co n sid erin g the variety o f issues a n d p ro b lem s fa c in g Ja r too many
vulnerable children in urban centers throughout the Dhaka City. In this <n-iicU.
S tre e t Children is u sed as sh o r th a n d f o r children who might transit to the street,
children on the street, o r children who p re v io u sly liv ed on the street, with a variety
o f occupations, including beggar, rubbish/waste picker, shoeshine boy, flow e r
vender, tea-stall boy, ho te l boy, m a id servant, se x worker, p e tty criminals, chocolate
sellers etc. While there are common fe a tu r e s in g o o d p ra c tic e to address pro b lems
fa c e d by Street Children, the characteristics o f these responses gen e ra lly are linked
to in te n ’cntions d esig n ed to address o th e r issues. This p a p e r attemp ted to p ro v id e an
introductory snapshot o f issues co n cern in g "S treet C h ild ren '' in this vast a nd
culturally div e rse region. This p a p e r p ro v id e s an introductory- snapshot o f issues
concerning "Street Children ” in this va st a n d culturally diverse region.


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